The Garden Inside Me

From Carla Brooke April 2013 Just before leaving to teach mindfulness to the group of  kindergartners at Coastside Chidlren’s Program, I fill up a bag with flowers. Yellow calendula, violet forget me knots and hummingbird sage.  To illustrate the life cycle of a flower, I bring the hyacinth bulb that bloomed a few days ago. …

Quick and Easy Mindfulness: A “Spectrum Check-In”

From Sam Shapiro A super fun, non-threatening technique–that also support community building–I love to use in my high school classes is called “Spectrum-Check-In.” This gets more to mindfulness of emotions, which is an important aspect of mindfulness to cultivate. Especially in pressurized, academic environments, often times students aren’t given enough guidance towards self-understanding and self-compassion,…

R.A.I.N. – A Practical Tool

R.A.I.N I believe this acronym comes from Michelle McDonald, a Buddhist meditation teacher in the US.  I’ve heard it used by many other meditation teachers as well, such as James Baraz and Andrea Fella.  I’d like to pass it on as just another practical tool. When you (or your students/children) are experiencing difficult emotions, overwhelm,…